RO+UV Water Purifier Domestic

  • Ro+uv-water-purifier

  • RO+UV Water Purifier

    • RO+UV Water Purifier is expert of filtering water from any source
    • Its double purification technology not only destroys all the bacteria present in the water, it also filters out all the suspended particles
    • The 8 liter transparent water storage tank enables user to see the water level and its quality.
    • This purifier filters water with KENT own Mineral RO Technology that has all the benefits of normal RO filters while eliminating the limitations
    • It removes all the impurities from water but also makes sure that the water retains the minerals that are necessary for your body
    • The water moves through multiple chambers to ensure clean, tasty and safe water
    • It becomes possible by the stages of Sediment filtration, Activated Carbon filtration, Ultra filtration and Post Carbon filtration
  • About Water Treatment

    Over 70% of our Earth’s surface is covered by water. Although water is seemingly abundant, 97.5% is salt water , only 2.5% as fresh water. In that 1% of the fresh water(~0.007% of all water on earth) is accessible for direct human uses.

  • Our Products

  • Real Facts About Us

    We have a commitment to supply customers with very best product and solutions. rather than blindly process the customers’ orders, the corporate makes thorough analysis of the supply water before recommending product.