RO Regular-FA

  • Ro-regular-fa

  • RO Regular-FA

    • Ro regular removes all microbiological impurities & total dissolved solids by passing the water through high capacity, RO membrane
    • Polishes the water to improve taste, removes odour & gives it a crystal appearance
    • Ro regular removes chlorine, colour and other organic impurities
    • By removing the minerals from a humidifier’s supply water the limescale that builds up in the system is virtually eliminated
    • This results in a much lower level of required maintenance in all types of humidifier and reduced energy consumption in steam humidifiers
    • These cost savings can lead to a payback on the initial purchase of the RO (reverse osmosis) unit in around one year
  • About Water Treatment

    Over 70% of our Earth’s surface is covered by water. Although water is seemingly abundant, 97.5% is salt water , only 2.5% as fresh water. In that 1% of the fresh water(~0.007% of all water on earth) is accessible for direct human uses.

  • Our Products

  • Real Facts About Us

    We have a commitment to supply customers with very best product and solutions. rather than blindly process the customers’ orders, the corporate makes thorough analysis of the supply water before recommending product.