UV Purifier

  • uv-purifier-domestic

  • UV Purifier

    • These water purifiers give you a wider choice at affordable prices. The products in this range are made from strong plastic for longer durability
    • Every drop of water goes through 4 stages of purification which eliminates dirt, harmful parasites and pesticides, bacteria and viruses to give you clear odourless and natural tasting water
    • The UV purification process does not waste any water
    • Water needs a more advanced, more extensive purification process and that’s where Pureit comes in
    • Comparing the Pureit water purification process and boiling is enough to see that the latter is insufficient in getting rid of the contaminants in drinking water
  • About Water Treatment

    Over 70% of our Earth’s surface is covered by water. Although water is seemingly abundant, 97.5% is salt water , only 2.5% as fresh water. In that 1% of the fresh water(~0.007% of all water on earth) is accessible for direct human uses.

  • Our Products

  • Real Facts About Us

    We have a commitment to supply customers with very best product and solutions. rather than blindly process the customers’ orders, the corporate makes thorough analysis of the supply water before recommending product.